I'm sitting here, looking out my window, and all I see is white. As a child, I loved the snow. I loved playing in it, snowball fights, curling up with a blanket eating something delicious my Mother baked up, and watching the weather reports praying for even more snow in hopes that our school would call a snow day. Now that I'm an adult...I can barely stand to touch the stuff. I hate being cold, driving on ice, pushing my way through the grocery store in a mass of panicked neighbors after the rumor of a blizzard. Ick...
In southern Ohio, I sit here scrolling through pictures I took last April. One of the many perks of being not-too-shabby with a camera is having ample pictures to take you to any time or place you want to go. Wanna go to Italy? Pull out the album of the family vacation in Tuscany. Want to remember? Bring out that picture and get lost...
Today, I'm thinking of Spring. I want green grass right now so bad I can almost hear the lawn mower purring. I want to hear birds. I want to eat dinner on my back deck with friends... listen to music... drink wine. I want to plant flowers even though my gardening skills leave much to be desired. I want to take my camera outside and capture my children playing in the dirt, catching worms and picking dandelions.
But for right now, I'll settle for this picture...and know that Spring IS in fact on its way...